My recommendation for Count Dracula.

2 min readDec 27, 2020

To begin with, Dracula is a vampire! Evidently, it will be a very special book or a movie. I think Dracula should be more calm and relaxed so I recommend him to read «Oblomov» written by Goncharov. Oblomov’s life style will show him how to be patient, just laying on the sofa. I don’t want to say that Dracula should be like a couch potato, but to chill out is always acceptable.

I know it is very hard to be immortal, everything is pretty boring, and one thing he needs is escape the world (hello, reclusive life). I don’t mind. But I can recommend my hero a superb television sitcom… It’s «Friends»! I know that Dracula has been learning English and this sitcom will help him to improve his skills. Also this sitcom is very funny! The best company for a lonely vampire is «Friends»!

Some new words from a wonderful book:

To deceive /dɪˈsiv/ — to keep the truth hidden from someone, to be a liar

A crucifix /ˈkrusəfɪks/ — a model or picture representing Jesus Christ on a cross

Pallid /ˈpælɪd/ — very pale, in a way that looks unhealthy and not attractive

Superstition /ˌsupɚˈstɪʃən/ — belief that is not based on human reason or scientific knowledge




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