Dreams come true

2 min readOct 23, 2021

The Solar system is enormous. We can imagine thousands of constellations and planets that fascinate our imagination. We know only one planet, which supports life. Earth is unique.

But Mr. Liam didn’t believe in that, he pursued a dream to go into space. He wanted to explore other planets and find proofs of extraterrestrial civilizations. Space travel engrossed him, although he was not a real astronaut. Mr. Liam outlined his future travel, and he was determined to do it.

One day his dream came true. A special spacesuit was made for him. He checked it to make sure, if something go wrong, he could prevent it. When a spacecraft was fit out for the trip, and the tank was filled with fuel, Mr. Liam could not resist the temptation to boast. He even gave a name to his spaceship. It was Ambassador. When Ambassador was launched, Mr. Liam gave a start. He was so overwhelmed! He floated like a feather because of weightlessness. He saw the lines of latitude and longitude covered Earth with the superb accuracy.

The purpose of his expedition was to explore one satellite that could be a clue to his mysterious hypotheses. He had no idea about this little planet, but he felt it in his bones that it was worth to explore. He found the remains of the ancient civilization perished because of the warfare. This civilization was highly advanced. They had a language, writing and morality. It was such a great discovery.

Mr. Liam was asked a ton of questions after he had returned to Earth. His popularity spread over the whole world. Self-confidence and self-belief helped him to become a great scientist.




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